Akion Tiles, 23 years old, feels trapped in the monotony of bustling Uzhar Station. His life has become a burdensome routine, working as a loader of alinum and assisting in a modest mechanic workshop. Despite his tireless efforts, he knows deep down that there is no hope or future for him. Limited by refugee status, he is doomed to live off scraps and the little compassion that full-fledged galactic citizens offer him.

Or so he thought before an unexpected opportunity crossed his path: a job offer to become a pilot of an experimental ship created by the prestigious Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at Mendran University.

Despite the fears that haunt and gnaw at him, Akion decides to embark on this odyssey without suspecting that he will experience something that will not only change his life forever but also push him beyond his own limits in a way he never imagined.

"A Star on the Horizon" is a thrilling science fiction novel that will keep you glued to its pages until the end. Immerse yourself in an exciting journey through space, where adventure and the struggle for survival intertwine with personal growth, overcoming, and self-discovery of the protagonist in a profound and inspiring way.

The novel features illustrations that will help you visualize the incredible universe created by the author. Additionally, it includes a small Galactic Encyclopedia so you can learn even more about the races, technologies, and planets featured in the book.

Are you ready to accompany Akion on his dizzying journey of self-discovery and self-improvement?

In "A Star on the Horizon" you will find in each chapter an illustration by the hand of Alejandra Hg that will transport you and help you visualize the universe created by the author. All this without counting on the small Galactic Encyclopedia that will give you even more information about all the races, technologies and planets that you will find in the book.
Formato: Paperback, Ebook and Hardbook
Ilustraciones: B. Bordoy Barceló
Primera edición: 15th April 2024
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